Add Inventory Images


PaTMa inventory builder stores essential information about fixtures or items within a property.

For larger items such as white goods, landlords are recommended to keep at least one photo of the item. This will help with any potential disputes over the item or its condition - the tumbledryer has damage you hadn't noticed, the fridge mysteriously vanishes when the tenant leaves, and so on.

PaTMa allows multiple images to be uploaded per inventory item, although 1 - 2 should be sufficient. For fully furnished properties you should group certyain types of item together (for example group crockery as one item instead of taking photos of eah plate separately).

Creating an Inventory

The Inventory is assigned with a Tenancy.

If you did not already set up the Inventory, you'll need to do that first.

You'll also need some items added to the inventory before you can add images.


Adding Images

If you're already working in an Inventory, you should be in the right place. Otherwise, from Your Portfolio, select the relevant property, then click the Tenancies tab and open the tenancy. Then, on the Tenancy screen, click Inventory.

Find the item in the inventory that you want to upload an image for, then click the triangle to see any existing images.

click triangle icon

Click Add image to open the upload form inline.

You can drag images from your desktop into the upload form, or click to open a standard Explorer menu on your computer.

upload an image

The image is saved as soon as upload is complete.

alt text

Deleting Inventory Images

To delete an image, follow the same steps to open the images for an inventory item, then simply click the trashcan icon. The image will be permanently deleted - no backup is stored by PaTMa.
