Another Change to the How to Rent Guide

Available here

The latest version of the How to Rent guide, that must be provided to all tenants before they sign a new tenancy agreement, can always be found on this government page.

PaTMa maintains a copy of the most recent How to Rent guide, making it available automatically within Property Manager. You can issue the current How to Rent guide, along with other required pre-tenancy documents, directly to your tenants with just a click. No need to find the government page or check you've got the right version of the guide.

Shelter provide "advice" rather than "help"

The latest version of the How to Rent guide is a minor update with just a single wording change. It hasn't been listed as an official new version of the guide, the previous PDF file was just replaced with the updated one on Monday 29th July.

So what's the change? This paragraph:

Will you need a rent guarantee? Some
landlords might ask someone to guarantee your
rent. If you dont have a guarantor, you can ask
Shelter for help.

Has become:

Will you need a rent guarantee? Some
landlords might ask someone to guarantee your
rent. If you dont have a guarantor, you can ask
Shelter for advice.

I think it's safe to say that Shelter is a fairly controversial charity in property and landlord circles (and perhaps others too). This change probably won't help that situation.

I don't know why the government felt the need to note that Shelter provide "advice" rather than "help" when considering the need for a rent guarantor. I'll leave it to other to speculate on reasons behind their word choices.

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