New Prospect Summary Reports

A recent addition to PaTMa is two extra documents to help make your property search easier.

The two new downloadable documents can help when you need a summary of several Prospects. You might be doing a few viewings and want a crib sheet with you. Or you might want a summary to present quick details of your favourite options.

Viewings Crib Sheet

Do you fill your days with back to back viewings? Would a crib sheet with key details about each property and a space to scribble notes, be useful to take with you?

From your prospect list, select the properties on your viewing list (check the box at the start of those lines) and choose the "PDF summary table" from the drop down above the list.

Screenshot of drop down

And PaTMa will generate you a document like this:

Screenshot of summary document

Financial Summaries

For situations where you'd like just the core information and financial projections for each of several properties.

Simply select multiple properties from your prospects list using the checkboxes on the left. Then choose "PDF - page per prospect" from the drop down above.

You'll be prompted to download the PDF generated, with one page per prospect.

Screenshot of financial summary document

What Else?

These documents were suggested by a PaTMa subscriber. If there's something that would make your property life easier please get in touch.

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